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4-7-09 Commission on Aging Minutes

Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm.   

A.      Roll Call - PRESENT: Edmond LaLiberte, Debra Gaudette, Chairperson, Priscilla Lancaster, Mary Ann Lee, Marie Fredrickson.
                                  ABSENT: Fran Rago, C. Edwin Carlson

Old Business – Debbie reported that our "S" accounts were set up.

  • During the review of the Mayor’s Breakfast on May 5, 2009, Lillian brought a copy of the invitations that were being sent out this week. All Commissioners are reqested to be at the center at 9:00am to aide in setting up.
  • Discussion ensued regarding Fran Rago; Debbie will investigate her status.
  • Marie presented the Commissioners the flyer for the Senior Expo being held in May, noting that we were among the sponsor's listed.  It was suggested and a motion was made and seconded by all that we woud donate Gift Basket for the Expo and advise Michelle were were available to help.  Mary Ann and Marie will be assembling the Gift  Basket.
New Business

  • Tabled until June Marie's request that he Commissiners review the possibility of obtaining 4 new card tables for the South End Senior Center.  Marie will be investigating the cost.
Motion to adjourn was made by Ed LaLiberte, seconded by all.  Meeting adjourned at 2:55pm.

  • New Business – None.

  • Senior Services Report – None.

  • Adjournment – Motion to adjourn the meeting was Ed Carlson and seconded by Pat Lancaster.  Meeting adjourned at 2:40 pm.